Gambling Treatment

All States

Treatment is available free of charge for qualifying individuals throughout Minnesota. State-approved gambling treatment providers listed by county and city. Table was revised on January 22, 2021. Trauma & Body in Gambling Disorder Treatment Wednesday, March 10 from 9-11am PT (12-2pm ET).

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Compulsive gamblers experience repeated negative impacts on their well being and happiness. Club Recovery offers gambling disorder therapy groups that meet Monday and Thursday evenings from 6 to 8pm. To learn more contact us!

Do any of the following concerns relate to you or someone you know?

  • Trying to escape life’s problems by gambling
  • Trying unsuccessfully to quit gambling
  • Lying about money and/or time spent gambling
  • Thinking about gambling becomes an obsession and is affecting family, employment, or other significant areas of life
  • Taking increasingly greater risks in order to capture a “high” from gambling
  • Gambling has become the main or only outlet for enjoyment and passion
  • Depression, anxiety, or thoughts of suicide become familiar feelings

Gambling Disorder: a hidden addiction


Family, friends, and even the gambler may be slow to identify compulsive gambling as an addiction. The addictive gambler is not like an alcohol or drug addict. The problem gambler does not slur his speech or fail a drug screen.

  • Gambling addiction is a disease of impulse. The gambler becomes preoccupied with thoughts of gambling. This obsession creates an overwhelming and powerful compulsion to gamble.
  • Gambling addiction is a disease of denial. Gamblers usually believe that eventually, a change in luck will result in winnings and that they can stop gambling whenever they decide to quit.

If these symptoms describe a family member or loved one, the risk must be recognized. People with a gambling disorder often have major financial issues before being motivated to seek treatment.

Club Recovery understands that a gambling disorder is a serious, medically recognized disorder. Most importantly, effective treatment for a gambling disorder is available.

Treatment to manage a gambling disorder

Club Recovery’s gambling disorder treatment program helps clients understand their impulse to gamble. We recognize that a problem gambler may use gambling as the band-aid for coping with other serious issues. Family/friend relationship issues, financial problems, legal problems, and dysfunctional lifestyles may all be underlying causes or consequences of the addicted gambler’s behavior. Abstinence from gambling alone is not enough. Therefore, Club Recovery helps our clients identify the underlying issues in the recovery process. All areas of a person’s life are considered and addressed as a part of the individual treatment plan.


Our gambling treatment program utilizes a cognitive-behavioral model that focuses on raising awareness of one’s emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. This new self-awareness helps individuals to recognize their triggers and urges to gamble and develop techniques to manage impulses and make positive changes in life.

Gambling disorder treatment at Club Recovery is under the direction of Craig Johnson, LADC. Craig is a certified gambling treatment provider.

Gambling Treatment Programs

At Club Recovery, we provide both individual and group therapy for people with a gambling disorder, as well as family therapy and interventions. We welcome all people who are seeking help to address their problems and would like support to begin making positive changes in their life.

Gambling Treatment Centers

Your finances will not prevent you from receiving treatment

Your financial situation may be severely impaired as a result of gambling debts. Fortunately, the Minnesota State Gambling Fund is available to provide for your treatment and recovery. The cost of treatment can be covered 100%. For additional details, please inquire via the contact information listed below.

Core Gambling Treatment Center Shreveport La

Contact Club Recovery at (952) 926-2526 for a consultation. Our address is 6550 York Avenue South, Suite 620, Edina, MN 55435.