
Welcome to the Gambli Family page at Surname Finder, a service of Genealogy Today. Our editors have compiled this checklist of genealogical resources, combining links to commercial databases along with user-contributed information and web sites for the Gambli surname. As additional sources for vital records, original documents, vintage photographs and surname-based DNA projects are discovered, this page is updated to offer the best list for researching Gambli ancestry. Share this page on Twitter!

The Gambli Family Tree

It is important to remember that there is no single Gambli family tree, as last names were assigned to people for various reasons. We are often asked, Where do I go to find birth, marriage, and death records for Gambli family members? and you might be surprised at the answer.

Best Tree Collections for Discovering Gambli Ancestors

Web:Public Member Trees at
  1. Back to top Summary of the dispute to date. The summary below was up-to-date at Consultations. Complaint by Antigua and Barbuda. On 21 March 2003, Antigua and Barbuda requested consultations with the US regarding measures applied by central, regional and local authorities in the US which affect the cross-border supply of gambling and betting services.
  2. $630 million the Senecas owed New York for casino rights in western New York will be divided up between three cities with Seneca casinos, New York state and the tribe.
  3. Main office: Suite 300 South. 1711 West County Road B. Roseville, MN 55113. 651-639-4032 (fax).

The following are resources available if you believe you may need help. For more information, please contact us at (959) 230-4034 or Gamble definition is - to play a game for money or property. How to use gamble in a sentence.

Gambli in New England Early Genealogy
Web:Free search of database projects (includes WorldConnect Project)

Gambli Genealogy

Keep an open mind when searching through Gambli records. Years ago many people were unable to read and write, thus a given ancestor's name could be spelled in a variety of ways depending on who recorded it. If you want to know How can city directories be used to help my Gambli research?, then read this frequently asked question.

Top Five Genealogy Databases to Search for Gambli

Web:Gambli records in the Genealogy Bank
Web:Free Gambli results at
Web:Social Security Death Index (1937 - Current)

Vital records are essential for family history research because they were typically created at or near the time of the event, making the record more reliable. There are currently matching Gambli records at! Start exploring this online Gambli family history resource today.

Death Records

Web:America's Obituaries (1977 - Current)
Funeral Cards with Online Images

Military Records

U. S. Navy Pension Fund Records (1811-1851)
Medal of Honor Recipients - Gambli
World War II War Ration Books

Origins of the Gambli Surname

It is quite possible for two people with the Gambli last name to have been given that surname for entirely different reasons. Discovering the country from which your Gambli ancestors originated can often yield additional clues for the meaning of the surname. Keep in mind that it was not unusual for a last name to be altered as an ancestor entered a new country.

Web:The Wikipedia Gambli Surname page
Web:Glossary of Surname Meanings on About Genealogy

Gambli DNA Projects

Don't believe the hype! When DNA testing was first made available for genealogical purposes, some companies boasted how it could solve all your Gambli family tree mysteries. DNA testing can be a useful tool, when applied properly to a given research issue. If you're not sure how DNA testing could aid your Gambli research, read 'Basics of DNA Family History Research'.

Web:DNA Studies at FamilyTreeDNA
Web:Search the DNA Groups Directory at

Gambli Family History

For most people, just about every aspect of their life has been influenced in some way by their ancestors. Look beyond the names and dates to understand how and why your Gambli ancestors lived and strived to make a better life for their descendants. Our team of seasoned experts are here to help you learn about different aspects of genealogy. Reading 'Looking at Our Ancestors' may help you think of some different tactics to compiling your Gambli family history.

Find Books from Various Publishers at Live Roots
Find used Gambli books on ABEbooks

Photo Collections

Web:DeadFred photos that match Gambli
Gambling near me
Find Gambli photos on eBay

Networking with Gambli Researchers

In the course of genealogy research, collaboration is key -- we really cannot do it alone, and one of the great benefits of participating in community message boards is building relationships that not only enlightens our research but strengthens bonds across the miles. The article 'Looking for John Smith - Focusing a Query' provides some valuable tips for posting successful Gambli queries.

Free Gambli queries at CousinConnect
Recent Genealogy Forum Posts (

You may also want to consider posting a query to the Community Message Boards at Genealogy Today to get assistance from other researchers on your most elusive Gambli ancestors.

Gambli Achievements & Celebrities

Web:1920 Distribution of the Gambli surname in U.S.

Web Sites & Blogs with Gambli Research

If you are having difficulty locating records for the last name of Gambli, contact the folks at ProGenealogists for a free research estimate. You may also find it helpful to read, 'When, Why and How to Hire a Professional Genealogist.'


Web:Distant Cousin records matching Gambli surname

Gambling Game Crossword

RootsWeb search of US Naturalization Records
RootsWeb search of Obituary Daily Times
RootsWeb search of Social Security Death Index

To recommend your web site/blog for inclusion on this page, please submit a link to the user-contributed directory at Genealogy Today. Your web page may appear once its content has been reviewed by our editors.

Upcoming Gambli Family Reunions

Pedigree charts and family group records are important genealogical tools, so bringing or creating on site a big family pedigree (or family tree) is sure to draw attention; at the same time, have plenty of blank family group sheets available for individual families to complete and submit to go into a 'Gambli family record book,' which you can then digitize and share -- you can then bring the physical book back to the next reunion, adding new families each time. The article 'Planning Details For A Family Reunion' may provide you with tips for hosting a successful Gambli reunion.

Gamblin Oil Paints

See Also

Gambling Near Me

Surname Finder, The Gambli Genealogy and Family Tree Page [on-line resource], New Providence, NJ, USA: Genealogy Today LLC, 2021.